Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee 01/03/23
10am Green Room, National Park Offices, Llanion Park Pembroke Dock and Remotely
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 9 November 2022
4. To note the Action Log from the previous meeting
5. To consider the following reports:
01/23 Annual Audit Summary 2022
The Auditor General for Wales’ Annual Audit summary shows the work completed since the last Annual Audit Summary, which was issued in February 2022. The document is attached for Members’ information.
02/23 Risk Register
Members are asked to consider the latest Risk Register
03/23 Annual Governance Statement
The Authority is required to produce an Annual Governance Statement and Members are invited to contribute to and shape the contents of the attached draft 2022/23 statement
04/23 Budget Performance Report for the 9 Months to December 2022
This report presents budgetary performance information for the period to December 2022
05/23 Performance Report for the period ending 31 December 2022
This report considers performance against the objectives set out in the Corporate and Resources Plan for the period ending 31 December 2022
06/23 Health, Safety & Wellbeing Quarterly Report
The report provides a brief update on Health & Safety incidents January – December 2022 and other H&S matters that may be of interest to the Committee.
07/23 Health & Safety Group – Terms of Reference
Members are asked to note the revised Terms of Reference
6. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12 and 13 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972
7. To consider the following report:
08/23 Health & Safety Group – Hand Arm Vibration
The Report provides an update on the Authority’s progress in implementation of the Authority’s Hand Arm Vibration Policy.
8. To delegate any issues of concern to the Continuous Improvement Group for consideration