National Park Authority 08/02/23
10am Green Room, National Park Offices, Llanion Park Pembroke Dock and Remotely
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2022
4. To note the Action Log from the previous meeting (Report 01/23)
5. Chair’s Announcements
6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 7 December 2022 and 18 January 2023
7. To consider the reports of the meeting of the Youth Committees held on 22 November 2022, 20 December 2022 and 10 January 2023
8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Human Resources Committee held on 23 November 2022
9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 30 November 2022
10. To consider the following reports:
02/23 Draft Budget Planning 2023/24
The report presents:
The Draft Revenue and Capital budgets for 2023/24 and forecast 2024/25 to 2027/28
The Draft 2023/24 Levy on Pembrokeshire County Council
Prudential Indicators for the Capital Programme
Investment Strategy, Reserves & Treasury Management Policy Statements for 2023/24
03/23 Update on Corporate and Resources Plan and Development of Delivery Plans
The report provides an update on the Corporate and Resources Plan and the development of Delivery Plans
04/23 Visit Pembrokeshire
The report seeks agreement to amend the contribution agreed by the Authority to support the work of Visit Pembrokeshire
05/23 Task and Finish Group on Car Park Charging
This paper seeks agreement of the Terms of Reference for a Task and Finish to consider the future provision of season tickets and car park charges across the Authority’s Car Parks.
11. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972
12. To consider the following report:
06/23 Review of Recreational Management at Newport Sands
The report updates Members on progress following the resolution of the NPA at its meeting on the 26 October 2022.