National Park Authority 05/05/21

Meeting Date : 05/05/2021

10am, Virtual Meeting

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 24 March 2021

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the report of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 10 March 2021 and 12 April 2021

7. To note the report of the meeting of the Youth Committee held on 16 March 2021

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 17 March 2021

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive’s Performance Review Panel held on 17 March 2021

10. To appoint a Member to the Skomer Marine Conservation Zone Advisory Group

11. To consider the following reports :

17/21 Audit Wales: Review of Resilience – Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority
This report presents the Audit Wales report on “Review of Resilience – Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority”.

18/21 To agree to Undertake a Consultation on a Draft High Level Strategy for the Authority
This report asks Members to agree to undertake a consultation on a draft High Level Strategy for the Authority

19/21 Annual Governance Statement
The Authority is required to produce an Annual Governance Statement and Members are invited to contribute to and shape the contents of the attached draft 2020/21 statement

20/21 Local Development Plan 2: Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) Consultations
This report asks Members to consider responses received on consultations undertaken on draft Supplementary Planning Guidance. Members are asked to adopt new and updated Supplementary Planning Guidance documents subject to amendments proposed in response to the consultation responses received.

21/21 Proposed Amendment to Standing Orders 5.1 and 5.4: Appointment of Chair and Deputy Chair
Members are asked agree an amendment to the procedure for the election of Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority and/or its Committees to accommodate a situation in future where some or all Members may be attending a meeting remotely.


Confirmed Minutes