National Park Authority 11/12/2024

Meeting Date : 11/12/2024

10am, Green Room, National Park Offices, Llanion Park, Pembroke Dock and Remotely

1.To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 23 October 2024

4. To note the Action Log from the previous meeting

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To consider the report of the meetings of the Standards Committee Appointments Panel held on:

a) 31 July 2024

b) 20 November 2024

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 31 July 2024

8. To consider the report of the Volunteer Forum held on 06 November 2024

9. To consider the following reports:

47/24    Camping and Caravan Consultation Update

To provide an update regarding the consultation for a proposed Article 4 (1) Direction for 28-day use of land for camping, caravans and/or mobile homes and the development of a Code of Conduct for Exempted Organisations.

48/24    Draft Review Report of Local Development Plan (LDP) 2

To inform Members of the findings of the draft LDP 2 Review report and to seek approval for consultation on the draft document.

49/24    Promoting a Resilient and High Performing Planning Service Consultation

To inform Members of a current Welsh Government consultation that relates to planning resourcing.

50/24    Draft Consultation Response to Pembrokeshire County Council’s (PCC) Re-Deposit Local Development Plan (LDP) 2

To seek approval to submit the consultation response on PCC’s LDP 2 Re-Deposit Plan and accompanying documents.

51/24    Visit Pembrokeshire

To provide Members with an overview of the work of Visit Pembrokeshire over the last year.

52/24    Newport Parrog Car Park and Lime Kiln Lease

To seek Members approval for the surrender of the existing National Park Authority lease of Newport Parrog car park and lime kiln to Newport Town Council.

53/24    Safeguarding Policy

To seek formal approval of the Authority’s Safeguarding Policy

54/24    Oriel y Parc (OYP) Stakeholder Group

To ask Members to elect two representatives to act as stakeholders in consultations regarding the further development of the OYP Masterplan.

55/24    Member Travel policy

Members are asked to approve the revised Members’ Travel Policy

56/24    Independent Member of the Standards Committee

Members are asked to confirm the appointment of an Independent Member of the Standards Committee

57/24    Replacement Finance System

Members are asked to approve the acquisition of a new finance solution and the upgrade of the current EPOS software

10. To receive a verbal update regarding the progress made to maintain continuity of the cafe offer at Oriel y Parc and to give delegated authority to the Chief Executive to finalise the negotiations with the new operator for the new lease and its documentation.