National Park Authority 15/09/21
10am, Virtual meeting
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28 July 2021
4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda
5. Chair’s Announcements
6. To receive the reports of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 21 July 2021
7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 14 July 2021
8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Member Support and Development Committee held on 14 July 2021
9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Youth Committee held on 20 July 2021
10. To consider a Notice of Motion by Councillor P Kidney that the National Park’s Development (Management) Committee allow speakers to use the premises of Committee Members with prior approval.
11. To consider the following reports:
37/21 Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan 2 – Supplementary Planning Guidance
The purpose of this Report is to approve a number of supplementary planning guidance documents for consultation.
38/21 Data Protection Policy
This report seeks approval of the Authority’s Data Protection Policy.
39/21 Regularisation Of Pre- Existing Community Allotments On Authority Owned Land At Grapley End Fields, Trefin
Members’ approval is sought for the grant of a new occupational lease to Gwelliant Trefin Improvement CIO to provide for the continuation of community allotment use on part of the Authority’s land ownership at Grapley End Fields, Trefin.
40/21 Green Room Redevelopment – Budget and Next Steps
The report provides Members with an overview of the potential next steps necessary to redevelop the Green Room and agree an indicative budget from the Authority’s reserves.
41/21 Visit Pembrokeshire
The report seeks agreement to amend the contribution agreed by the Authority to support the work of Visit Pembrokeshire