Operational Review Committee 12/06/2024

Meeting Date : 12/06/2024

10:00am, Virtual Meeting

1.To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 06 March 2024

4. To note the Action Log from the previous meeting

5. To consider the following reports:


03/24    Well-being Objective Deep Dive/ Self-Assessment: Connection

To provide a deep dive assessment on the objective of Connection.

04/24    First 1,000 Days Project Review

To provide members with a review of the work of the 1st 1,000 Days Project and how present and planned activity in this area is being developed to meet the needs of children and those involved in providing care for this age group.

05/24    West Wales Walking for Wellbeing Project Review

To report to members on the activities, outputs and outcomes of West Wales Walking for Wellbeing following the project’s completion in January 2024.

06/24    Well-being Objectives Performance Report

To provide progress against priority indicators / projects / work programmes for the period ending 31 March 2024.