Operational Review Committee 16/03/22
10am, Virtual Meeting
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 1 December 2021
4. To consider a Notice of Motion by Councillor P Kidney that the Authority enters into negotiation with Lamphey Community Council, and any interested parties, to either gift or sell land in Freshwater East, for the provision of a children’s play area (Report 01/22)
5. To consider the following reports:
02/22 Annual Governance Statement
The Authority is required to produce an Annual Governance Statement and Members are invited to contribute to and shape the contents of the attached draft 2021/22 statement
03/22 Performance Report for the Period ending 31 January 2022
The report presents the performance to date up to 31st January 2022 for monthly data and quarter 1 to quarter 3 (April – December) for quarterly statistics.
04/22 Defence Training Estate – Ranger Annual Report 2021
The report provides Members with an update on the partnership work between the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Natural Resources Wales and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority.
5. To delegate any issues for consideration by the Continuous Improvement Group.