Operational Review Committee 17/03/21

Meeting Date : 17/03/2021

10am, Virtual Meeting

1.      To receive apologies for absence

2.     To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3.      To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 16 December 2020

4.       To consider the following reports:

01/21 Risk Register

To ask Members to consider the latest risk register

02/21 Performance Report for the Period ending 31 January 2021.

The report presents the performance to date up to 31st January 2021 for monthly data and quarter 1 – 3 (April – December) statistics for some data sets.

03/21 Progress report on the management of trees with Ash dieback disease.

The report outlines the progress the Countryside Management Team has made in managing trees suffering from Ash dieback disease, within the Authority’s estate.

5.   To delegate any issues for consideration by the Continuous Improvement Group.


Confirmed Minutes