Personnel Committee
Virtual Meeting, 10am
1. To appoint a Chair for the ensuing year
Nomination received: Councillor M James
2. To appoint a Deputy Chair for the ensuing year
Nomination received: None
3. To receive apologies for absence
4. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business
5. To confirm as a true record the minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2019
6. To consider the following reports:
This report informs the Committee on what progress is being made to drive improved levels of employee engagement within PCNPA. It provides specific insight into the roll-out of an Employee Opinion Survey, which will act as spring board for developing a Staff Engagement Strategy and Plan.
02/20 Corporate Health Standard
Members’ views are sought on an initial audit of the Authority’s practices in relation to the criteria set out in the Corporate Health Standard and the actions required in order to obtain accreditation.