Standards Committee 12/02/25

Meeting Date : 12/02/2025

12.00pm, White Room, National Park Offices, Llanion Park Pembroke Dock and Remotely

  1. To receive apologies for absence
  2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business
  3. To appoint a Deputy Chair
  4. To confirm as a true record the minutes of the meeting held on 1 May 2024.
  5. To note the Action Log from the previous meeting
  6. To receive a verbal update on the Standards Committees’ Chairs Forum – Wales held on the 27 January 2025
  7. To consider the report of the Monitoring Officer
  8. Any Other Items of Business that by Reason of Special Circumstances the Chair Decides Should be Considered as a Matter of Urgency Pursuant to Section 100B(4)(B) of the Local Government Act 1972