National Park Authority Members

What exactly do Members do?

The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has 18 Members, 12 of whom are nominated by Pembrokeshire County Council. The remaining six Members are appointed – following an interview process – by the Welsh Government.

Members typically spend three to four days a month on formal National Park Authority business ie attending Committee or other associated meetings. They will also spend some time representing the Authority at external events, such as workshops, conferences, seminars, launches and presentations, organised by the Authority and partner organisations.

Members are expected, whatever their background, to act in the interests of the National Park as a whole, and to take forward the two purposes for which the Park has been designated, reflecting both local and national perspectives.

In the course of their duty, Members must also adhere to certain Codes and Protocols when undertaking their duties:

Members are paid a salary in accordance with the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011. See Members’ Schedule of Remuneration.

Reimbursement of a contribution towards costs of care can also be paid to a Member or Co-opted Member of the Authority, who has caring responsibility for dependent children or adults, or a personal care requirement, provided the Member incurs expenses in the provision of such care whilst undertaking approved duties on behalf of the Authority.

Making decisions

Our Members are the people who make the decisions; they are responsible for setting policies and priorities, ensuring resources are well used and money is well spent. The officers employed by the Authority then work to the policies and carry out the decisions made by Members.

Overall responsibility for the work of the officers lies with our Chief Executive (National Park Officer) Tegryn Jones.

We are a relatively small organisation with a limited budget, so achieving our statutory purposes is challenging and depends on working in partnership with local people and a range of other bodies.

It’s a complicated job and to help everyone understand how and why decisions are made, we’ve produced – working with our partners and local communities – two key documents:

These documents are put together after a great deal of consultation with local people and organisations with interests in the Park. However, general policies cannot deal with every situation that arises and sometimes there are conflicts between policies, but it is the Members’ job to represent the interests of the National Park as a whole and balance out any conflicting pressures.

County Council Members are usually appointed for four years, until the next local authority election. Welsh Government Members are also usually appointed for up to four years, which can be extended to a maximum of 10.

Governance Handbook

Welsh Government has commissioned a Governance Handbook for NPA Members, which is intended to give an overview of NPA Members’ governance roles and responsibilities, highlighting what it means in practical terms to be accountable for the effective governance of an NPA. Although the handbook is specifically designed for use by NPA Members, it contains guiding principles which will be helpful to anyone who serves in a strategic public role or wishes to know more about how NPAs are governed.

Meet the National Park family

The family of 15 National Park Authorities throughout Britain – officially known as the National Parks UK – holds conferences and workshops. These events are held in each Authority’s area in turn, and Members meet to discuss issues of mutual interest/concern and to share best practice.

There is also National Parks Wales, which holds a workshop every autumn for the three Welsh National Park Authorities. The Chief Executives, Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the three National Park Authorities meet on a quarterly basis to discuss issues of a Welsh dimension.

About the National Park Authority