How to apply

Applying for the Sustainable Development Fund is straightforward, with help and advice readily available either on this website and/or by contacting us via 01646 642800 or

How to make an application

  1. First complete the eligibility checklist to confirm you are eligible.
  2. If you are eligible, complete the online application form or download the application form from our website. Please read the main SDF page and guidance notes below to help you answer the questions.
  3. Applications can be made in Welsh or English.
  4. Check the website for the latest deadlines. Be sure to get your application in on time!
  5. Submit your application online or email your application along with your annual accounts, a recent bank statement and your governing document/constitution, by emailing it to

Sustainable Development Fund SDF logo

SDF Application Form Guidance

Part 1 – Organisation details

Question 1

You can find your correct legal name on your governing document. What your governing document is called depends on your organisation type. It may be called a constitution, trust deed or memorandum and articles of association, or something else entirely.


Question 3

This is not an exhaustive list of organisation types, so if you are not sure if you can apply, please get in touch to check.


Question 4

Not all organisations will have a charity registration number or a company number. If you do have one, please ensure you include it. If you are not a registered charity or company, don’t worry, you can still apply.

If you are registered with the charity commission, you do not need to send in your latest accounts and constitution.


Contact information

Question 6

We are happy to help with communication needs. This might include textphone, sign language, large print, audiotape or braille.


Question 7

The legally responsible contact must be at least 18 years old. They are responsible for ensuring that this application is supported by the organisation applying, any funded project is delivered as set out in the application form, and that the funded organisation meets our monitoring requirements. It could be the Chair of your charity or community council.


Part 2 – Your project

Question 8

We know it can sometimes be hard to think of a snappy name, so if you are struggling, just keep it simple and to the point.


Question 9

There are four areas of funding we are looking to support – please tick which one your project relates to.


Question 10

This is particularly important if you are requesting funding for ‘any other community-based carbon reduction project’.


Here are some ideas about what else to tell us:

  • How your project idea came about
  • What you want to do
  • Who will be involved and
  • What impact it will make


Question 11

Tell us the village, town or city that your project will take place. Remember only projects that are in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park and surrounding area are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to projects within the National Park.


Question 12 and 13

Most small-scale capital projects do not need planning permission, but some will.  Please check with the appropriate planning authority before submitting your application.


Question 14

When are you planning on starting and completing your project?


Question 15

Are you VAT registered?


Question 16

If you are VAT registered, please include your costs before VAT is added. Please round your costs to the nearest £1. You should use budget headings, rather than a detailed list of items. For example, if you’re applying for pens, pencils, paper and envelopes, using ‘office supplies’ is fine. Please supply quotes with your application.


Question 17

Tell us how much you are applying to the Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) for. This must be no more than 80% of the total project cost.


Question 18

Match funding is a requirement. 20 – 50% of the total project cost should be from source(s) other than the SDF grant. This can be in cash from other sources such as own reserves, another grant or in kind. For example, volunteer time, pro-bono professional help.


Question 19

We want to know how you will measure the success of the project. Will you calculate carbon reduced? What method will you use?


Question 20

Please tell us how the project will be supported in the future.


Question 21

Please tell us about how you will communicate your project to the wider community. You may wish to consider including a digital display if you are generating energy, or sending information to your local newsletter or website.


Question 22

 What the effects will your project have on the Welsh Language? What will be the positive and/or negative effects?


Part 3 – Declaration

It is important to scan in a signature and not type one in.

Please send your signed application together with quotes, a copy of your latest accounts, a recent bank statement and a copy of your governing document/constitution.

Next deadline for submitted applications

The next deadline will be announced here as soon as it has been confirmed.