These byelaws apply to land owned or leased by the National Park Authority.
This is around 2% of the National Park as a whole. County Council byelaws cover behaviour of dogs on beaches and open spaces and use of power craft on inland waters.
Events may need to be licensed by the Pembrokeshire County Council if they involve certain activities eg music or sale of alcohol.
FIRES – No person shall so as to be likely to cause damage by fire to anything growing on the access land light any fire or place or throw or let fall any lighted match or any substance or thing in among or near to grass, fern, heather, bushes or trees on such land.
MECHANICALLY PROPELLED VEHICLES – No person shall without lawful authority ride or drive a mechanically propelled vehicle over the access land except on a part of the access land set out and made up for the parking of vehicles.
DOGS – No person shall cause or suffer any dog belonging to him or in his charge to enter or remain in the access land unless such dog be and continue to be under proper control and be effectually restrained from causing annoyance to any person and from worrying or disturbing any animal or bird.
HUNTING AND SHOOTING – No person shall, without lawful authority, kill, take, molest or wilfully disturb any animal or bird or take or injure any egg or nest or engage in hunting, shooting or the setting of traps or nets or the laying of snares.
CARRYING OF GUNS, ETC – No person shall without lawful authority bring or have on the access land any gun, engine, instrument or apparatus used for shooting.
POLLUTION OF WATER – No person shall wilfully, carelessly or negligently, foul or pollute any lane, pond, stream or other water.

OBSTRUCTION OF WATERCOURSES – No person shall obstruct the flow of any drain or watercourse, or open, shut, or otherwise interfere with any sluice gate or other similar apparatus.
DAMAGE TO HEDGES, WALLS – No person shall break through any hedge or carelessly or negligently injure or destroy any hedge, fence, wall or gate.
BROKEN GLASS, ETC – No person shall throw, place or wilfully leave on the access land any glass, china, earthenware or metal article (whole or broken) in such a position as to be likely to cause injury to any person or animal on the access land.
RIDING AND DRIVING ANIMALS – No person shall on the access land break in any horse or other animal or ride or drive any horse or other animal in a race or so as to cause danger or annoyance to any person using the access land.
ADVERTISEMENTS AND WRITING OR CARVING NAMES, ETC – No person shall without lawful authority affix or cause to be affixed any advertisement, bill, placard, or notice upon any building, wall, fence, gate, door, pillar, post, tree, rock or stone in or abutting on the access land nor shall any person deface by cutting or otherwise writing or marking words or marks thereon any building, wall, fence, gate, door, pillar, post, tree, rock or stone on such land.

PUBLIC MEETINGS – No person shall without the permission of the owner of the access land, hold any public meetings or deliver any public speech thereon.
STONE ROLLING – No person shall wilfully, carelessly or negligently throw, roll or discharge any stone or other missile so as to cause or to be likely to cause injury, danger or annoyance to any person or injury, danger or molestation to any animal.
TRANSISTOR RADIOS AND NOISY INSTRUMENTS – No person shall be operating or causing or suffering to be operated any wireless set, gramophone, amplifier or similar instrument make or cause or suffer to be made any noise which is so loud and so continuous or repeated as to give reasonable cause for annoyance to other persons on the access land.
OBSTRUCTION OF RANGERS – No person shall obstruct any Ranger engaged by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park in the execution of his/her duties.