Display Advertisement Form
Display adverts are box adverts, available in full colour in the choice of sizes shown below the form.
You can also see the sizes and choices on page 4 of the Coast to Coast 2025 advertising pack. Please fill in this form when you have decided what you want. Finished artwork should be provided to the exact size shown and conform to the design guidelines below (and on page 7 of the advertising pack). You can also download a PDF version of the Display Advertisement Form below.
Your responsibilities when submitting artwork
- Advertisers should liaise with Coast to Coast Advertising at all stages on production of artwork for display advertisements.
- Complete finished artwork should be provided to the exact size for reproduction and conforming to the design guidelines. If this is not possible, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority will undertake to typeset and lay out the advertisement to a standard format for a fee of £45 over and above that charged for space. Standard artwork is the placing of supplied text and logo / image to create an attractive advert. If special artwork is required such as the creation of logos, illustrations etc. or if text needs to be written, this will need to be provided by a designer of your choice.
- Artwork must reach PCNPA no later than Friday 10 January 2025. No artwork will be accepted after the deadline.
- It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check and approve the proofs provided. Every effort will be made to avoid errors, but no responsibility will be accepted by the Authority for any that might occur.
- Advertisers are limited to a maximum of two proof stages for artwork produced by PCNPA. Any subsequent changes/proofs will be charged at £45.
- Artwork should be supplied as PDF or JPEG files – no other formats will be accepted. Please contact us if you have any queries.
- Please email your artwork to advertising@pembrokeshirecoast.org.uk
Please note the sizes shown below are indicative only. Please download and print the Coast to Coast 2025 advertising pack to see accurate sizes.