Partnership Plan 2025-2029
Consultation draft Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Partnership Plan 2025-2029
Many organisations and individuals contribute to the National Park purposes of conservation, enjoyment and understanding. The National Park Partnership Plan (previously called a National Park Management Plan) is a way of coordinating that effort. It’s a plan for the National Park area, not just for the Authority. In 2024, the National Park Authority sought people’s views on what they consider to be the special qualities of the National Park, the opportunities and challenges facing the special qualities, and solutions. Those views have been used to prepare a draft Partnership Plan, on which your views are welcomed. The draft has benefited from various impact assessments which are available for comment. The final date for submissions is 5pm on Monday 30th September 2024. Consultation documents: 1 Consultation draft National Park Partnership Plan 2025-2029 2 Easy Read version of the Partnership Plan and Easy Read response form Assessments: Draft Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment): 4a Draft Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report Executive Summary 4b Draft Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report 4c Appendix A – Review of Relevant Plans, Policies and Programmes 4d Appendix B – Baseline Information 4e Appendix C – Detailed Policy Assessments 5 Draft Habitats Regulation Assessment 6 Draft Equality Impact Assessment 7 Draft Welsh Language Impact Assessment 8 Draft Well-being of Future Generations Assessment 9 Summary of the Equality, Welsh Language and Well-being of Future Generations impact assessments Supporting information 11 Report of consultation on the Special Qualities survey 12 Draft Scoping Report (This document should be read in conjunction with the Report of Consultation on the Scoping Report.) 13 Report of Consultation on the Scoping Report Following the consultation, a report will be prepared to explain how comments have been taken into account, and a revised Partnership Plan will be prepared for adoption by the National Park Authority. Privacy statement Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority will be data controller for any personal data you provide as part of your response to the consultation. |