Keeping Your Information Safe – Volunteer Details

Posted On : 21/09/2020

We are Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority. In order to work safely and effectively we need to collect information from individual volunteers.

Who are we?

The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority was created as a freestanding special purpose local authority under the 1995 Environment Act (the Act). You can find out more about us via our About the National Park Authority page and view our overarching privacy notice.

PCNPA is registered as a Data Controller with the ICO (Information Commissioners Office). Registration number: Z6910336.


What data we need

The information we are asking you for Why do we need it
Contact Details To keep in touch with you about the project and volunteering opportunities.
In Case of Emergency To contact them if an emergency happened involving you when you are volunteering.
Skills, Experience and Particular Interests To match you to the right opportunities and help identify what support you might need.
Meeting your Needs To provide support, equipment or tailor volunteering sessions to meet your needs.
Medication In case of emergency situations during a volunteering session.
Pictures and Publicity We use photos from our volunteering events for publicity purposes. We want to check whether you are happy to be in photos used for this purpose.
Welsh Language Preference To be able to contact you in your preferred language


Age/Date of Birth We need to know your date of birth because certain volunteering opportunities are only available to 16 year olds and over.  We also need to know if you are 18 years old or over as this makes a difference to the way we manage your time as a volunteer.
References We may need to check if a person is suitable to work as a volunteer

What we will do with the information

Information will be stored securely. It will only be accessible to staff involved in managing volunteers. Information about in case of emergency and meeting your needs will be provided when relevant to those leading sessions.


How long will we keep the information and what are your rights?

This information will be stored for the time of the project and its evaluation. If your details change while you are volunteering with us please get in contact so we can change our records.

If you have concerns about how the Authority is using your data please contact the Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113 or you can report a concern via the Information Commissioner’s Office website.

If you would like to talk to someone about anything on this leaflet, please email Mr Graham Peake or telephone 01646 624861.