Get outdoors with your pupils on Outdoor Classroom Day 5 November
As our county’s pupils return to the classroom next week, Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools is calling on teachers to embrace Outdoor Classroom Day on 5 November with the theme Love the Outdoors.
Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to inspire and celebrate outdoor play and learning, at home and at school.
Over the coming weeks, Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools will be sharing inspiring ideas on how to take learning and play outside in the school grounds, with resources linked to all areas of the New Curriculum for Wales. If you believe children should be outdoors every day, playing, learning and exploring, then join the Outdoor Classroom Day community via their website and on social media.
Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools Co-ordinator Bryony Rees said: “Children are spending less time outdoors than ever before and this is affecting their health and wellbeing. When children are immersed in the outdoors, whether it be in the school grounds or in their local neighbourhoods, they are often happier and healthier and it improves wellbeing for pupils and staff.
“Schools who have incorporated outdoor learning into their teaching programmes have seen attainment and attendance improve, and see many other benefits amongst their learners, including improved social skills and enhanced teamwork.”
Outdoor learning forms a very popular part of home and school learning, and plays an important part of the blended teaching approach.
Said Bryony: “So far over nine million children have taken part in Outdoor Classroom Day globally. When you join, you will have the opportunity to put your school or household on the world map to show you’re part of the global Outdoor Classroom Day movement, so let’s put the schools of Pembrokeshire on the map!”
For more information on Outdoor Classroom Day, visit
For more information on Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools, contact Bryony at, call 07870 488014 or visit the Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools website: For ideas follow us on Twitter @PembsOutdoorSch and on Facebook @Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools