Save the date for this April’s Big Green Match Fund campaign
Following the great success of the Big Give Green Match Fund Campaign in 2021, the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust is thrilled to be involved once again in 2022, receiving £2 for every £1 donated to their registered charity, and to be making a difference to meadow habitats in the National Park.
The Trust is asking its current and future supporters to donate and double the impact of their giving to its online campaign between 22 April (World Earth Day) and 29 April via the Big Give website.
The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust Director, Jessica Morgan said: “All donations will go towards the Make More Meadows appeal to protect, restore and create new meadows in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.
“With your help we will literally make more meadows – our target is to raise £10,000 which will support 77 hectares of meadow (or 191 football fields) to address the detrimental impact to habitat and species decline.”
The UK has lost over 95% of wildflower meadows in the last 75 years with remaining meadows being one of most vulnerable habitats in the National Park; it is estimated that 30% of the world’s land carbon is stored in meadows, giving meadows a role to play in the climate emergency crisis.
A meadow provides an unrivalled haven for wildlife, including thousands of insects, mammals, birds, reptiles and more. The hedges that often surround meadows also provide vital pollen, nectar, fruits and seeds and shelter to many mammals, birds and insects.
The live campaign kicks off at midday on World Earth Day (Friday 22 April) and ends a week later on Friday 29 April (at midday).
The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust is a charity registered by the UK Charity Commission. Its registered charity number is 1179281.
To donate online and to find out more about the Make More Meadows Campaign visit the Big Give website.