Welcome to the Green Infrastructure (GI) Assessment for Pembrokeshire. Prepared by Pembrokeshire County Council (PCC) and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA), the GI Assessment provides recommendations for a suite of ambitious and deliverable management interventions with the aim of creating healthier, more resilient environments across the county. An emphasis is placed on both the strategic scale and settlement based opportunities. This report may be used to explore the work, understand its purpose and gather more information about the proposed projects and proposals across Pembrokeshire.
Green Infrastructure (GI) refers to “the network of natural and semi-natural features, green spaces, rivers and lakes that intersperse and connect places”.
This Assessment will be used by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority and Pembrokeshire County Council alongside forthcoming amendments to Planning Policy Wales to:
– Assist in the preparation of Pembrokeshire County Council’s Local Development Plan 2
– Assist in the review of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan 2
– Consider the implications for the adopted supplementary planning guidance on biodiversity for both Authorities.
– Identify the potential for key projects for 11 main settlements in Pembrokeshire to assist both Authorities in their role in planning project work for day-to-day land management for conservation purposes
The assessment contains 4 parts: Strategic Green Infrastructure, Overview of Settlement Management Plans, Urban Tree Planting Strategies, and Pollinator Strategies. From this homepage, you can navigate through the four streams of work and access all the content within the assessment.
Assessment Contents:
Strategic Green Infrastructure
Overview of the Green Infrastructure Assessment
How to use the Green Infrastructure Assessment
Pembrokeshire’s Strategic Green Infrastructure
Pembrokeshire’s Strategic Scale Projects
Overview of Settlement Management Plans
Overview of Settlement Management Plans
Urban Tree Planting Strategies
Urban Tree Planting Strategies
Tree Planting Principles and Sub-Principles for 11 Settlements
Delivery – Urban Tree Planting Strategies
Pollinator Strategies
Overarching Pollinator Principles
Pollinator Trials for 11 Settlements
Delivery – Pollinator Strategies