In this section you can view the Authority’s Management Plan, which outlines the overarching strategy for the Park, and the Landscape and Seascape Character Assessments, which provide detailed information on the landscape sensitivity of each area of the National Park. You will also find information on landscaping, including trees and hedgerows.
The National Park Authority has a statutory duty to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the Park.
The effective management of the unique landscape character of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, in line with this statutory duty, is therefore extremely important in all aspects of the Authority’s work.
Click the links to the right for further guidance. Other Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) that is relevant to the conservation and enhancement of the National Park landscape can be viewed in the SPG section.

Trees and hedges form an important part of the landscape of the National Park. You will find information and guidance on trees, including Tree Preservation Orders on the Trees and Hedge Management page.