Terms and Conditions of advertising in Coast to Coast

Booking advertising space, copy for classified adverts and final artwork for display adverts: Friday 10 January 2025.

1. Ordering Space
All orders for advertising space, together with remittance and copy for classified adverts or artwork for display adverts must be received no
later than Friday 10 January 2025.


2. Payment
Our acceptance of your order for advertising space creates a contract between us, for which you become liable for payment of the advertising fee. Payment is normally due on application, or as specified with our prior agreement. Prices are fixed and are shown inclusive of VAT. Charities must provide a declaration that the special zero-rating conditions have been met, before VAT can be deducted (see VAT Notice 701/58). Cheques to be made payable to ‘PCNPA’.


3. Publication
Publication date April 2025.


4. Publisher’s Rights
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or reject any particular copy at any time without assigning a reason, whether an amount due in respect of the advertisements has been paid or not. In the event of an application being rejected after payment by the advertiser, a refund will be made.


5. Trade Descriptions Act 1968
Advertisements will be published on the understanding that they fully comply with the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 and the responsibility for ensuring such compliance shall be that of the advertiser.


6. Accommodation providers
Advertisements for accommodation/caravan and camping sites (including agencies) can only be accepted where such accommodation has been verified by Visit Wales, the Welsh Government’s tourism team.


7. Activity Centres/Attractions/Boat Operators
Advertisements for Activity Centres and Operators can only be accepted where they are licensed under the Adventure Activities Licensing Service or national governing bodies where applicable.

  • All attractions must be listed with Visit Wales.
  • Boat operators must be licensed by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and/or Pembrokeshire County Council.


The National Park Authority has, for many years, worked with operators and partner organisations to develop the Pembrokeshire Outdoor Charter group which is co-ordinated by the Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum.
Outdoor activity providers must support the Outdoor Charter to advertise in Coast to Coast. Advert text and images should reflect the principles and aims of the Pembrokeshire Outdoor Charter Group and the National Park Authority reserves the right to request amendments to text or images if your advert does not reflect these aims.

The contact for the Outdoor Charter group is:

Paul Renfro, Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum,
2nd Floor, Pier House, Pier Road, Pembroke Dock, SA72 6TR
Email paul.renfro@pembrokeshirecoastalforum.org.uk


8. Horse riding establishments
Proprietors please note: The National Park Authority is only able to accept advertisements on the understanding that riding establishments comply with the Authority’s byelaws. All centres must be accredited with Visit Wales or licensed under the Adventure Activities Licensing Service or national governing body and a photocopy of such accreditation/licence produced at the time of booking.


9. Advertiser’s Responsibilities
The advertiser shall be responsible for and shall indemnify the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority and its officers against all losses, damages and costs (including expenses for infringement of copyright) howsoever arising out of publication of any copy supplied by the advertiser.


10. Guaranteed Position of your display advert
Paying for Guaranteed Position (i.e. your display advert is guaranteed to be placed in a mutually agreed position in the paper) is the only way to ensure your display advert goes where you want it. The National Park Authority will always try to place display adverts in appropriate positions but unless you pay extra for Guaranteed Position your advert may not be in your first choice spot.


11. Cancellations/omissions/distribution disclaimer
No advertisement may be cancelled by the advertiser after copy has been typeset by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority. Cancellation refunds will be at the discretion of the Authority. If any advertisement is omitted, the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority shall be under no liability to the advertiser, other than to make a refund of the advertisement charge. The Authority cannot guarantee distribution if impacted by government mandated lockdown. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check and approve the proofs as required. Every effort will be made to avoid errors, but no responsibility will be accepted by the Authority for any that there may be (except for the refund of charges paid where the Authority is responsible for the error). Any application for a refund of an appropriate proportion of the fee as a result of a printing problem will be treated on its merits but only acceded to where it can be demonstrated that the error has caused substantial prejudice to the advertiser. If an advertiser has booked space and subsequently fails to produce necessary artwork, logos, photographs, illustrations or text by the agreed deadline, that advertiser remains liable for the full cost of the space.


12. Production Data
Tabloid. Image area 270mm x 385mm. 5 columns per page. Printed Heatset Web Offset, 4-colour throughout on 52gsm improved newsprint. PDF origination.


13. Display Advertising Artwork
Artwork to be supplied as same size jpegs (CMYK 300ppi) or pdfs (press-ready 300ppi). No other formats accepted. Where this is not possible, PCNPA will undertake to typeset and lay out the advertisement to a standard format* for a fee of £45 over and above that charged for the space booked.

(*Standard format – name and contact details plus 1 or 2 images as supplied by the advertiser to be arranged as an advert). Should the advertiser require any special artwork other than the standard format we offer, this will need to be supplied by the advertiser’s designer of choice.

Display advertising artwork must reach Coast to Coast Advertising (Tel 01646 624895) no later than Friday 10 January 2025.

It is strongly advised that artwork is received before this date. Note: no artwork will be accepted after the deadline.

Advertisements placed must be clearly distinguishable from editorial content published by the National Park Authority, therefore no advertorial or advertising features will be accepted.


14. Website and App Advertisements
A free website advertisement is provided to all Coast to Coast advertisers, and will automatically appear in the online edition in exactly the same format as it appears in the newspaper. Similarly, your advertisement will also automatically appear in our free Coast to Coast app. Web and app adverts are not available as separate bookings.