Carew Millpond

Easy Access Walk

Easy access walk: 1.0 miles (1.6 km)
Character: Level, surfaced paths around Millpond, lovely views of Medieval castle.

How to get there

Public transport: Service bus 361 (Tenby to Pembroke Dock), not wheelchair accessible
Own transport: South Pembrokeshire, 4.5 miles east of the town of Pembroke Dock. Approach via the A477 trunk road or the A4075 road.

The walk is mostly level on surfaced paths and lanes. Slopes are no steeper that 1:20, although there are a few short steeper slopes, as mentioned in the directions. Please take care when crossing Carew road bridge.

Carew Millpond is one of the most beautiful locations in Pembrokeshire. On a still day when the tide is high the water perfectly reflects the castle and nearby mill. It attracts many wading birds and is a good place to watch bats on summer evenings.

Carew Castle was built at the end of the 11th century by the constable of Pembroke Castle, Gerald de Windsor. Archaeologists have found signs of an Iron Age settlement close to the castle as well as Roman pottery.

The first mill at Carew dates from 1542. The present building probably dates from the early 19th century and has been restored by the National Park Authority, who lease the Castle and Tidal Mill.

The walk also passes the carved Celtic Cross. This 11th century Christian monument is considered to be one of the three finest Celtic crosses in Wales.




Leave car park through side exit, turn left and follow Tarmac lane. Just after passing Carew Castle there is a 1:18 gradient up for 20 metres, followed by a 1:8 gradient down for 4 metres.

Turn right at fork (1:15 for 13 metres, followed by 1:20 cross gradient for 10 metres) down towards the Tidal Mill.

Turn right and walk past the Tidal Mill. There is a bridge with 1:12 ramp up and 1:8 ramp down.

Cross the causeway over the Carew river (ramp up to second bridge 1:12) and turn right onto path alongside Millpond.

Where the path enters the picnic area there is a 1:15 gradient for 7 metres.

Go through picnic area entrance, then bear right onto road alongside pond (the slope onto the road is 1:12 to 1:9 for 12 metres). Please note that the side of the road has a 1:20 cross gradient.

Turn right (1:15 for 3 metres) and cross Carew road bridge with care, using designated pedestrian path.

Follow pavement up slope, which is generally up to 1:20 gradient. However, there is a 1:13 cross gradient for 5 metres at the start of the pavement and a short section of 1:5 gradient at Bridge Cottage.

At the open gates to Carew Castle there is a cross gradient and a gradient of 1:6 for 2 metres.

Go through entrance and follow path up slope (1:8 for 7 metres, then 1:15 for 36 metres), then turn sharp left and follow path to car park.

Find this Walk

Grid ref. Carew Castle car park: SN046036