Blacktar Point
DISTANCE: 1.4 miles (2.2 km).
PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Service bus Llangwm 308/309.
CHARACTER: Easy walking, can be muddy in places. 1 stile, steps.
From bus stop/car park, follow sign for Community Centre up Pill Parks Way. Continue straight on at rugby ground, following footpath sign, staying on left side of field.
When entering second field, walk at a slight angle to the right, aiming for a stile to the right of the electricity pole. Cross stile, go down steps, cross bridge and turn right, taking path along the foreshore.
On reaching houses, take bridleway to the left. Follow lane, which turns into road. At the bottom of the road, retrace steps back up slope and across fields back to the bus stop/car park.

Llangwm Pill
DISTANCE: 1.7 miles (2.8 km).
PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Service bus Llangwm 308/309.
CHARACTER: Foreshore, fields and livestock, minor road walking. 3 stiles.
From bus stop/car park follow road down and up hill out of the village. After leaving the village look for a stile set back in the hedge, on the left in the first bend of the road.
Cross field aiming for stile straight ahead in hedge opposite, cross, and follow field edge path straight ahead. Cross stile on to tarmac lane, turn left and follow it down to the river.
At river, turn left, stay on river’s edge (do NOT follow footpath waymarked up the hill) and follow path around.
Ignore steps going up from the foreshore, and turn left on to street by lamppost, then right on to road and, finally, right on to main road leading back to bus stop/car park.
Find this walk
Grid ref: SM997092
- Enjoy the countryside and respect its life and work
- Guard against all risk of fire
- Leave gates and property as you find them
- Keep your dogs under close control
- Keep to public paths across farmland
- Take your litter home